The InterForm Output Management
A intelligent output management can accelerate your business processes by conserving resources and thus drive the digital transformation in your company. With intelligent output management software, documents can be easily created and exchanged. The information and documents must be received from other application environments via interfaces.
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We have made new videos with the features for output management with InterForm in English and German.
InterForm Output Management videos
Imagine this: A supplier company normally sends out 20 trucks every 10 minutes. Now the label printing in the warehouse goes on strike. This is where a big problem arises when the output doesn’t work. There is congestion in the supply chain!
Interform is system independent for ERP, CRM, WMS as well as platform independent. Start on the IBM i, Windows as well as Linux servers. Or conveniently in the cloud. InterForm acts as a central building block for all your documents, no matter from which source and in which format! The Workflow Designer also allows you to easily map your output processes.
The conversion & design of documents such as packing lists or invoices is up to 20x faster with Interforms‘ out of the box solution.
International and national regulations such as ZUGFeRD and XRechnung for Germany are already taken into account. Many output formats such as mail, PDF formats, barcodes, graphics, RFID and more are included.
In the automotive industry, there are sometimes high penalties for incorrectly printed labels. With InterForm’s automated verification, wrong labels will never happen again!