We have the right digital solution,

to bring your manufacturing company into pole position!
Digital solutions save time, resources and thus cash.


Infor ERP XA

Infor ERP XA

Infor ERP LN

Infor ERP LN

Integration & industry 4.0

Infor OS
Industrie 4.0
Demo factory
Infor EAM


InterForm Automotive Solution


Direct upload: Excel to XA
via Systemlink

Not sure what fits your requirements?

Test our new ERP-configurator now:

Our MJR ERP configurator with few clicks:
fast – non-binding – free

IT is our native language, but don’t worry: you will still understand us well.

Many companies face the challenge to adjust their business processes to technological developments. And more and more the common Business model is affected by digital change.

Let us find the route, that quickly leads you to your goal.

About us

As an experienced IT house and specialized partner of Infor we support companies in digitization with leading ERP systems.

Our portfolio includes a variety of technologies for integration, output management, process automation or the complete digitalization of companies.

We concentrate on the medium-sized manufacturing industry and service companies.

We don’t just rely on one technology, we use a variety of software solutions. For operating systems we offer e.g. the On Premise System Infor ERP XA.


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    How you benefit from our services

    We have already gained extensive experience with over 70 international customers, particularly in the areas of development, system integration and the integration of software and hardware. We know how to look at and solve problems from the customer’s point of view. We offer our services in over 10 languages, whereby we respond to your wishes and meet you where you are at the moment. In addition to specific individual services, we can also offer you the entire digitalization of your business on request.

    Because digitalization does not start today or tomorrow – it is already omnipresent. The digital transformation presents many companies with a challenge: processes have to be adapted to technological innovations and at the same time more attention than ever has to be paid to competitors.

    Digitalization is fast-moving and requires the appropriate know-how and tools. Our 20 employees will help you to turn this special task into an opportunity and seize it: Digital solutions can not only map or simplify processes, but also automate them.